
Straight & Sedu Hairstyles

Wash rice water moistens show hair
Glutinous rice water shampooes hair to it is said is Tai clan the folks maintain hair of a proved prescription, after depositting water of the Tao glutinous rice a period of time, the part mixture which uses to precipitate shampooes water's etc. to normally flush hair, can attain good shampoo effect.
In fact this method many peoples all once had an experience.Ising wash rice the skin that the future reunion discovers a hand to become delicate and smooth, using to wash rice water to clean article can also attain good effect.This is to wash rice to have in water a lot of small grains which wash down from the rice, and these small grains can adsorb foul stuff, so specially can go dirty, wash rice to have in water abundant b clan vitamin, it can help the born and black dye of the dye cell of hair, be also say that can help hair to become more and more black for not and habitually using the person of glutinous rice, use a wash rice of big rice water can also rise good effect.However musted notice at 1:00, wash rice water to must be and pass by to ferment of, let to wash rice water to place several days, let it ferment to go sour, because of so wash rice an aqueous property become weak acidity, the weak acidity can protect hair.

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