
Hairstyle Trends for Spring & Summer 2009

Oneself's shearing together fringe of hair is togethereasy
The hair style teacher teaches you a recruit at home can cut the good method of fringe of hair together in fact don't need what and professional scissors, the common stationery shear OK.While cut, the edge of knife is less than 30 degrees with the radian of the fringe of hair, slicing to record don't shear too many hairs at a time and slowly cut to grow out of hair.What to need to be notice is:Must just shear under the hair completely dry as a bone circumstance, not easy because of wet hair control whole length, not easy shear together.
The fluffy effect also wants hair spray
It even if is the hair style effect that you have to make that kind of super Peng Peng, also need to use the spray of strong dint fog hair spray already set.Do you feel strange?We use hair spray usually everyday to become the hair stiff and rigid and inflexible, why can the show of the stars can the hair always keep to work properly to move supple?That is because of, hair style teacher wills spray already set to spray fog in a the foot or so distance, then by hand lives hair spray already set in the hair last Long, so can avoid show hair too tightly too inflexible.

Find Your True Face Shape

Fast dust-colour-make skin color and hair color all shining
The gray which just a little a little bit looks to have a blue fasten, can lead to present of hair and the skin transparent feeling.The point of key lie in, the hair which dye a surface layer but isn't all, don't deepen the depth of hair color.Looking to have a little a decorous dust-colour bob hair type can also look fast nature, let you experience personally a big change according to season step right away.But, for skin more yellow person to say, will seem to be a skin color some dim.The reddish makeup which uses to agree with a skin's ising permit to adjust a color is very important. Gleam point:
Trim hair to make the type formation package form of the whole hair circumambience face, the gray fastens hair color to take to have of little by little blue light lightly surround a face of department skin, raise the transparent feeling of skin color.The top of the shape is to first blow hair with the breeze tube toward the pageboy and beat again up the hair wax.Let you gleam hair style to come out for one summer!

Braided Hairstyles

Pearl light color-make skin color and hair color all shining
Keep hair, the color which uses to have pearl light will make behind hair be smooth to follow straight shining greatly change body.Want to want make the show hair increase more brilliances, cut hair style to make the surface layer hair a little bit stays to grow some, make the bare glint noodles become to is a key widely~!The movement of outstanding hair tail with stereoscopic feeling, sometimes cheerfully and slightly weight of long hair shape, in this season to the utmost clear pleasant sensation!
Gleam point:
Comb to hand over knot tightly packed of long keep hair main theme to lie in the direction that the breeze tube blow.The breeze wants to downwards blow from the top, then can mold shining hair style so!

Dreadlock (Dreads) Styles

Soft and shallow brown-make skin color and hair color all shining
There is no red vegetable of shallow brown-coffee color have transparent feeling Gao, the ray project light upon next send out soft light the characteristic of feeling.The hair look since soft and fast, also make the minor faults focus of the skin cave and convex gravamen soft but rise hide the miraculous effect of Xia, beautiful muscle!Can also make the hair quality look smooth flowing freely, the recommendation worry hair Shao injure of personage usage.Own a shallow brunette color, add it chase hair tail electricity again the words of the winding, full full of the hair style of movement was born!
Gleam point:
To raise the bright degree of hair color do sex hair quality be noticing very!Can't blow to all hairs with the breeze tube.Blow loose root of hair first, make it completely dry, again at surface of hair top the side blows with the comb side, shining hair color and unify of hair Shao feeling consumedly UP!

Emo Hair Cuts

Lies 9:Shear the hair of furcation
This kind of can keep hair from continue furcation and palliate but incurable origin.
Solving the most basic way of hair furcation is the health which keeps hair, take protein and vitamin more and use rich contain the protect of nourishment composition hair article to be periodically carry on maintaining a nursing.
Lies 10:The import has permanent wave to in no case harm hair
So have permanent wave water again will also hurt hair and just hurt degree a little bit opposite and small.
Want don't harm hair to make the hair change to keep impossibly or curl, because have permanent wave of the principle be the organization structure which uses a have permanent wave of strong alkalescence to break hair and become new hair style.Any very hot method will make the hair scale organization structure of hair break and appear the hair Cao withered phenomenon.
So don't believe lightly the parlance of "import medicine water in no case harm hair", and after have permanent wave in time the nursing is hair complement nourishment.

Punk & Extreme Hairstyles

Lies 7:Have permanent wave can present new look worse hair quality
Have permanent wave oneself and then have harm, but deliver the hair surface that the quality differ to present many bore forms, don't even easily go very hot dye.
Lies 8:The Piao shallow hour heating carry on
Want change to dye a kind of bright hair color, need in advance the Piao was shallow to originally once dye of color, the Tun turns around dye of deliver the inside.
At Piao shallow, have of the barber like to heat with the fume cover enemy opponent hair, this enemy opponent hair of the injury be very big.Heat although will make the Piao shallow speed speed, enemy opponent hair Cape egg white of the breakage degree also consumedly aggravated.Therefore, the Piao is shallow under the indoor temperature carry on.

A Man's Hairstyle

Lies 5:The ion burns medicine water the most important
The expert thinks that the technique level of hair style teacher can even influence the effect that the ion burn than the quality of medicine water.The above clipboard is an example, the key of this work preface is in the effort, and the skill, strength, angles of hair style teacher all have already pay attention to very.
In addition, how make sure to differently soften time and degree according to the different hair quality, also whole judgments which depend hair style teacher.
Lies 6:The dry cleaning head can make the hair have sheen more
This is to deliver a gallery to spread of shampoo a way.The dry hair very and strongly absorbed water sex, direct usage's shampooing will make its surface live infiltration hair quality, but this live pass by 12 times in brief flush is to clean the clean impossibly, they remain in the hair, on the contrary will break hair Cape egg white and make the hair lose sheen.

Teen Hairstyles

Lies 3:Protect the hair thing contributes to a hair growth
Though the usage shampooes fragrant wave and other nursing methods, will promote the health of hair, the growth of enemy opponent hair in no case will have any function.
Because hair from the beginning skin in the long no longer has vitality behind, this with fingernail of organization look alike.Real what to have vitality be a root of hair and it is the cells which urge a hair growth.
Lies 4:Have permanent wave not and successfully can encore
Dissatisfied to lately very hot hair style, someone would be heavy to burn once or request hair style teacher to recover original kind for her.Hardly realizing, so the injury of the enemy opponent hair biggest.
Time wanted to had permanent wave to do it again once, twice have permanent wave had better the partition half month be above;But the person had permanent wave for the very first time, have permanent wave time to shorten possibly, in the meantime with have permanent wave for the second time of time partition half year is above good.

Prom Hairstyles

Lies 1:Dyed hair and all hurt to various persons of skin quality
Not the owners all can dye hair.If dye hair or once had the skin the allergic history for the first time, so must carry on a skin test before dying hair, then paint first some wrist seamy sides with in hand hair colors, appear red Yang to prove that you belong to allergic physical endowment, should immediately cancel a mind of dye the hair, in order to prevent suffer from skin burning.
Notice:Had better not dye hair for head 3 months of pregnant woman pregnancy, because the compound in which will influence the embryo's normal growth, and easily induct skin rash and breath way disease.
Lies 2:Ion very hot in keeping with owner
The nature keeps hair fluffy, have flexibility, have certain radian.The ion is very hot very hot the hair of although the lines keep, without the meek feeling, some boring.The ion is very hot the most suitable match those naturally curl hair, the hair be especially many and once had permanent wave or pursue super keep a felling of person, but the damaged serious hair could not do effect.The hair is specially soft with dry of as far as possible cut, don't choose to have permanent wave, otherwise easily result in to take off hair.
Notice:The tumor, leukemia and skin disease sufferer can't have permanent wave more.